Monday, November 16, 2015

FINISH THE YEAR STRONG! 21 days to a healthier you!


Who's ready to end 2015 stronger than when it started? 

Just wanted to give a quick shout out that you still have time to get in on joining in my next 21 day accountability and challenge group. I don't know about you but I have no plans on gaining any extra holiday weight. I actually have a goal to be lighter and stronger by year end. So far so good!! So with that being said Next group starts Monday Nov 30th. which is perfect right after all the Thanksgiving festivities. Group will be 21 days and get us right to the week of Christmas.  How exciting would it be to hit Christmas day  being 5-10lbs lighter and feeling stronger or your clothes fitting better or looser??? I'm so ready to see what i can do in that time frame. I've had great success before when I've done my 21 day rounds so going to make this one the best and end the year off right and ahead of the game come the new year!!! 

Join us for a 3 week challenge leading up to Christmas as we burn calories, eat clean and reach our goals! 

-30 Minute Workouts
-Daily Motivation
-Holiday Party Survival Tips
-Simple Nutrition Plans
-Meal Prep Training and more!

I will be giving you the tools, daily accountability and inspiration you need to go into the new year feeling healthy and fit! Can you give me 21 Days? Who wouldn't want to lose 5-10 pounds during the busiest season of the year without it burning you out and causing you stress? 

Let's get fired up and do this together!

Here's a little bonus...Bring your friends! (PRIZE ALERT) Refer 3 friends, family or co-workers to joins us and sign up for me to be their free Coach. You will get a $5 Target gift card! If they join the Team Beachbody Challenge with a challenge pack you will receive a $10 gift card! Let's have some fun, keep each other accountable and end 2015 fit and healthy! Please message me also with the names of your referrals so I can make sure you get credit when they sign up with me. Here is the link for them to join  Click here  Don't forget to make sure you are signed up with me for Free as well and I am your coach. 

Or if your ready to dive on in and get your Challenge pack then Click here now:

A little extra motivation to have a Year End Resolution! You start the year with a New Year's Resolution, and we know how well that usually ends up. So this year, let's get millions of people to instead - finish strong! It's time for a Year End Resolution! And everyone who takes their before and after and submits it by Jan 15th (more details on that later) plus your story, will get a special t-shirt, up to $5,000 cash for the 5 most inspirational male and female, and we are even awarding 1,000 people with a free Beachbody Performance supplement sampler!). So take your before and let's get to work inside Beachbody On Demand! 


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Fill out following form and I will get back to you ASAP!! Want more info click here:

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