Thursday, November 3, 2016


Hi Everyone!! 
So yes I am not the perfect blogger that's for sure. But who is perfect for that matter??? So going to try this again so I can keep track of my next upcoming goal. 

I'm super excited, 😄 I just found out that last week that I was selected to be part of a super exclusive and elite coach group for the newest Beachbody program! You all know how I love my Beachbody programs. I've had such great success over the last 10 years with them. Since I love variety and switching things up, their programs work out perfect for me. But like everyone else I am far from being perfect and I've had my own struggles throughout the years when it has come to my health and fitness.
So with that being said, the last year has been a huge struggle for me  both physically and mentally and I haven't wanted to share it with anyone. I'm so thankful to be given this opportunity! It is just what I need at this point in time for me. I know it will be the kick in the pants that I need. I'm so excited to be part of this group who is going to hold me accountable to do my best and get results.
More than that, I'm thrilled that this group is being ran by a top founding coach whom I respect very much and who I can learn from so that I am even better equipped to help all my challengers reach their goals as well! It's a win-win for all of us!!👍
So thankful and blessed and I'm so READY for the next 30 days!!! I will journal my progress here as I go along.

Start date for our group is coming up on Monday Nov 7th. Just took my before pictures...YIKES!! Me no likey them!!! lol But hey life happens and luckily I have the tools to get me back on track.

This program that I will be doing, is going to be a game changer on how we approach this holiday season!!! So posted below are my before pics that I took yesterday. So for those that want to see what's under the ribbon you will just have to follow me til the end of this 30 day journey that i am partaking on in a few days. I bought a fresh new notebook to journal it all. For me, my main issue is the nutrition. If I can nail that,  I will do awesome! 

Are you in need of something to spice up your fitness routine, break a plateau or even start you fitness journey? Do you want a workout that will keep your attention, is high energy, fun and easy to follow? 

Creators, Joel Freeman and Jericho McMatthews have created Core De Force which is a 30 day total body transformation that will get you in the best shape of your life. It focuses on 360 degree core rotation, explosive jumps and punches and body weight strength workouts to help you reach your own personal goals.

This workout is for EVERY ability level because there is a modifier and different levels of intensity you can start with then work your way up as you improve your strength, flexibility and endurance.

In addition to being selected to be in an exclusive coach group for this new program, My team and I are hosting one of our own!

I am hosting an EXCLUSIVE  Group starting Monday November 7th! 

We will start on the 7th of November with Day 1 and the program runs for 30 days! *** So there is still time to get in. 

Just in time for your holiday events and parties where you can feel confident and look your best. 

***( If this time is not right for you then comment below or enter your name and email at this link enter name and email here and I will get you in on the next challenge group that will be starting Monday Dec 5th.) 

If you would like to be in my exclusive private group where I am going to walk you through the program from start to finish then comment below "I'm interested".

My goal is to teach you how to navigate the meal plan, give you daily accountability, help you set realistic and achievable goals, give you recipes, tips, and support so that you can just crush your bad habits and replace them with healthier ones.

It's time to FIGHT for YOUR RESULTS! No one else can change their health and fitness but YOU!

If you are ready to DIVE and GO ALL IN!! Then you can place your order now and be ready to go. 

Any questions, please do not hesitate to message me at

I look forward to sharing my 30 day Holiday Smackdown Challenge with you!! But really would love to have you join in with me. So who's with me??


Thursday, December 10, 2015

Creating Your Own Masterpiece

Do you have some kind of craft or hobby you enjoy doing that you just downright find therapeutic for you? 

For me that is when I get to go get my paint on. I don't usually paint at home. But I do love to however love to head over to my friend Tina's business ArtfullyYours Painting in Mashpee, MA to get my paint on. I met Tina a few years back when she just opened her business and just enjoyed my time at the class. It's a totally relaxed atmosphere in there and it just totally relaxes me. 

I've always enjoyed drawing and being crafty, but don't always get to do it on a regular basis. So for me getting out of the house for a few hours to go paint, have a drink or two, listen to some tunes while creating my own masterpiece is something I look forward to when i do get the chance to do it. Funny thing is when I'm painting I can be very critical of what i am doing but yet I'm still totally chilled and just going with it. A few weeks agao I had seen a picture of one of the upcoming classes and I just loved it. What a super cute holiday picture that would make to add to my collection, I thought to myself. So here is my latest whimsical creation called Frosted Winter Wonderland! 

I find it so cool to watch everyone else paint as we all start off with the same blank canvas and what transpires in just a few short hours.  It's pretty cool. So I just wanted to share with you some of my other creations. I highly recommend if you have one of these paint bars in your area to go try it out. I think you will be amazed at what you can actually do. You would be amazed at the people that said i don't do painting or I could never paint that. Then when they are done they are surprised at how good it actually did  come out.  It's a fun time out meeting new people and just kicking back. 

Here is the very 1st one that I ever painted. It was supposed to have 3 fish in the picture but I decided to only do one. And that's the great thing about this. Do you have to follow it exactly the way the artist has it. Absolutely NOT!! You can make it your own creation. Which goes for the way we live our lives. Be your own person. Be the BEST version of YOU that you can be!!! 

So get out of your comfort zone and try something new that you normally wouldn't do and just do it. So in case I ever get famous when I do my paintings now I always have a heart somewhere in the painting and I use the dots to add to it for a little whimsey. Just something that i like to incorporate and it's fun to think of how I will add them into my painting. 

SO GO GET CREATIVE!! So what hobby do you enjoy doing that relaxes your and just let's you kick back and have fun. Would love to hear about it. 

This one below is one of my favorites. 

Can you find the heart in these paintings I posted???

 So if you are ever in the Cape Cod area be sure to look up Artfully Yours Paint Fun. Great time to have a family day and get everyone involved. And come home with a wonderful masterpiece!!

Life is about getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. So have fun and live life to the fullest. Enjoy the journey and everything it has to offer.!! 

Create your own Masterpiece that we call life!! 

Friday, December 4, 2015


Are you READY to UNLEASH YOUR INNER SPARKLE?? Are you tired of not being where you want to be in your health and fitness goals? Do you need support and accountability? Do you want to create a more simplified lifestyle? 

If you answered YES to any of these questions then this is the next group you want to sign up for. Let's start off 2016 with a fresh new attitude and a renewed mindset. 

It's that time of the year where everyone will be starting to think of or make what new years resolutions they will be partaking on for 2016. How long do you usually last when it comes to making your new resolutions stick? If you're like most they usually don't go long. I can attest to that from previous years when I have made them. Last few years I have been staying on track and really making that commitment to sticking to my health and wellness goals as much as possible. Yes I slide off the track here and there but for the most part I am able to get back on and keep moving forward. REMEMBER... this is not just a 21 day program, this is a lifestyle change. This program is a jump start to creating new healthy habits, that you can continue to use on a day to day basis while on your health and wellness journey. You will be given the tools, tips, support and motivation to creating a wonderful new and improved you.

I'm so excited to be starting a new round on Monday January 4th. Let's kick off the year right and UNLEASH OUR INNER SPARKLE!!!! Remember you don't have to do it alone!!

The deadline to order your tools for the challenge to reserve a spot in the group is 12/23. I wanted to open the group early so that everyone has plenty of time to get their packages in and be ready for the new year start.

Click here to watch a quick video about 21 day program

Here's what it all entails:

~You get 6- 30 min workouts + FREE bonus workout that you do from your home (variety of cardio/weights/yoga/pilates and all have a modifier) No guess work, everything is all scheduled for you. Just follow the program guide.

~30 meals which is 1 shake per day that is super food loaded , I personally drink it once a day, usually for Breakfast or my late afternoon snack/pick me up. 

~The portion controlled containers and nutrition plan that tells you what to eat and how much . So simple to follow. Plus FREE 3 Day Quick Fix secret weapon for losing weight fast before a photo shoot or special event. 

~Access to me as your FREE coach to support you thru your journey and a great group of others who are all doing the same. We will have daily inspiration, tips and tricks to help us reach our goals. 

~A FREE 30-Day Trial Membership in the Team Beachbody Club, so you can start streaming your workouts, and more than $3,000 in other proven Beachbody workouts, plus find all the support you need to succeed in your challenge. After your 30-Day Trial Membership is up, you will be billed quarterly for Club Membership, which you may cancel at any time. 

So it's like having a personal trainer, nutritionist, personal coach, and support group.

All for just $160 which is an amazing deal.

On SALE right now for $140 
Not sure how long sales price will last. Sale was suppose to end in November. But still on sale.
With a complete 30 day money back guarantee
In general , just 1 of these services would cost that.

It can feel overwhelming making a change like this at first. I know first hand with my own journey and working with my challengers.

That's where Fix 101 Class comes in! Five days before we start on 12/28. We will completely break down the program, so there are no questions left unanswered! We will talk about easy recipes, meal planning and prep, and how to make it all fit into your busy lifestyle and kick off the new year right!

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to message me. I'll be happy to help anyway I can. 


Ready to get started?

Go to

Click shop/shop all products/challenge packs and choose the 21 day fix and Shakeology challenge pack for $160

SPECIAL ALERT: Right now the 21 Day Fix Challenge pack is on SALE for $140. Not sure how long that special pricing will last. So now is the time to order before it's gone. So if your interested then don't hesitate, you won't be sorry that you did. :) Also here is the direct link to order:

Also once you place your order, message me that your order has been placed with me and you will be entered into a drawing for a copy of the new FIXATE cookbook. ** Make sure when signing up on the site to order, you see my name as your coach (Jane Boutin). Any questions, please don't hesitate to email me @ or post below. 

**The challenge is open only to folks not working with a coach and who are not coaches.

People are like stained - glass windows. They sparkle and shine when the sun is out, but when the darkness sets in, their true beauty is revealed only if there is a light from within.
Elisabeth Kubler-Ros

Remember you don't have to go this alone! Let's help support and motivate each other! Also don't forget to sign up for my FREE Monthly Newsletter. 

Monday, November 30, 2015

Pumpkin Pie with a Twist ~ RumChata style

As promised here is the recipe for RumChata Pumpkin pie. 
If you a fan of RumChata like I am this is a great way to switch up your pumpkin pie recipe with a twist. 

Recipe is super easy. Just the way I like them. 


6 oz RumChata
1/2 cup brown sugar 
1 (15 oz) can of pumpkin
1 cup sweetened condensed milk
2 large eggs
1/2 tsp ground cinnamon
1/2 tsp ground ginger
1/2 tsp ground nutmeg
1/2 tsp salt
1, 9 inch unbaked pie crust


Preheat oven to 425 degrees Fahrenheit. Whisk pumpkin, brown sugar, eggs, sweetened condensed milk, RumChata, spices and salt in a medium bowl until smooth. Pour into crust and bake for 15 minutes. Reduce oven temperature to 350 degrees and continue baking for 35 to 40 minutes or until knife, inserted 1 inch from crust, comes out clean. Let cool. Garnish as desired.

I hope you enjoy the recipe, I know I did. The Pie didn't last long in my house. So learn to spice it up and try something different every now and then! Keep life fresh and exciting. 

Have a great holiday season! Please share your fun and festive recipes that you enjoy this time of the year!!! Don't forget to click the link at the top right of the page to sign up for my FREE Monthly newsletter for more fun tips, recipes, inspiration and how to live a healthy and happy lifestyle. 

One pie...Two people.... GONE in ONE DAY!!

Just so you all know I am human and have my weak moments at times. Here is a weak moment....
Ok not going to lie, I put myself into a sugar coma then other day!!! Bought a pumpkin pie with the man and the two of us ate the whole darn thing! YES I said it! Ugh! Who can relate to that? The pie was soooo good. We just couldn't get enough of it. Add whip cream and that's all I needed to attack it.
Two people One pie... GONE in  a day!!!! 

Now this butt needs to get into gear this week big time!!!! So this week my mini challenge is to get all my workouts in for Mon-Fri. Went to the grocery store and got everything I needed for the week in food to keep it as clean as possible. 
What do you do when you have an off day or weekend??  Best course of action is to just say it happened and move forward. You can't go back and change it,  so you can only move forward and make it better from here on out. 

I can attest that I have in the past been sucked into the vortex we call life and spiraled out of control with my nutrition and fitness. I've definitely have days even weeks where I just couldn't pick myself back up and get back on track. I would say to myself. Oh, I'll just start back on Monday. Yeah that's  just really not the best idea for me. So I would take the next day, refocus and get back on track. Thankfully I also have a wonderful support and accountability group that I'm involved in that has helped me bounce back quicker then later. I'm a firm believer that if you hang with people that are on the same wave length with you when it comes to your health and fitness you have a much greater rate on succeeding and hitting your goals. 
If you are struggling with staying on track and just can't seem to get to where you want to get to, then know this, you don't have to do it alone. Find one or two people that might be struggling as well and get together and stay connected. Help keep each other accountable and lift each other up with support and motivation.

If you have no idea where to start or you need to stay accountable then I would love to help you. Let's chat. To connect up with me on Facebook, Click Here and "LIKE " my Pure Balance for Like page. Thanks in advance! And don't be shy you can friend request me as well at Facebook Jane
if you happen to not be a facebook person then you can connect up with me and sign up for a free account with me @ and I will be your FREE coach and we can stay in touch and help support and motivate each other! 

Stay tuned for my Rumchata pumpkin pie recipe coming soon!! Going to give it a shot and see how it comes out. I will be making it for Thanksgiving. Yes I am all about living life and when it comes to my nutrition, why deprive myself of certain things. Life is all about moderation. I've learned to do just that. Yes there might be a day that is really over the moderation part(Like the pie thing, but that is in the past. lol) but heck it's just how life happens sometimes. As long as you don't continue to overdue it everyday like that. 

Have a fabulous day and remember to DREAM BIG!!!

Monday, November 16, 2015

FINISH THE YEAR STRONG! 21 days to a healthier you!


Who's ready to end 2015 stronger than when it started? 

Just wanted to give a quick shout out that you still have time to get in on joining in my next 21 day accountability and challenge group. I don't know about you but I have no plans on gaining any extra holiday weight. I actually have a goal to be lighter and stronger by year end. So far so good!! So with that being said Next group starts Monday Nov 30th. which is perfect right after all the Thanksgiving festivities. Group will be 21 days and get us right to the week of Christmas.  How exciting would it be to hit Christmas day  being 5-10lbs lighter and feeling stronger or your clothes fitting better or looser??? I'm so ready to see what i can do in that time frame. I've had great success before when I've done my 21 day rounds so going to make this one the best and end the year off right and ahead of the game come the new year!!! 

Join us for a 3 week challenge leading up to Christmas as we burn calories, eat clean and reach our goals! 

-30 Minute Workouts
-Daily Motivation
-Holiday Party Survival Tips
-Simple Nutrition Plans
-Meal Prep Training and more!

I will be giving you the tools, daily accountability and inspiration you need to go into the new year feeling healthy and fit! Can you give me 21 Days? Who wouldn't want to lose 5-10 pounds during the busiest season of the year without it burning you out and causing you stress? 

Let's get fired up and do this together!

Here's a little bonus...Bring your friends! (PRIZE ALERT) Refer 3 friends, family or co-workers to joins us and sign up for me to be their free Coach. You will get a $5 Target gift card! If they join the Team Beachbody Challenge with a challenge pack you will receive a $10 gift card! Let's have some fun, keep each other accountable and end 2015 fit and healthy! Please message me also with the names of your referrals so I can make sure you get credit when they sign up with me. Here is the link for them to join  Click here  Don't forget to make sure you are signed up with me for Free as well and I am your coach. 

Or if your ready to dive on in and get your Challenge pack then Click here now:

A little extra motivation to have a Year End Resolution! You start the year with a New Year's Resolution, and we know how well that usually ends up. So this year, let's get millions of people to instead - finish strong! It's time for a Year End Resolution! And everyone who takes their before and after and submits it by Jan 15th (more details on that later) plus your story, will get a special t-shirt, up to $5,000 cash for the 5 most inspirational male and female, and we are even awarding 1,000 people with a free Beachbody Performance supplement sampler!). So take your before and let's get to work inside Beachbody On Demand! 


If you have any questions please don't hesitate to contact me. Fill out following form and I will get back to you ASAP!! Want more info click here:

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

It's not a Quick Fix ~ It's a Lifestyle Change!

So today marks the day after my 21 Day Fix Extreme journey. So for the last 21 days I decided to forgo alcohol and sweet treats.  There were some days that man I really wanted to dive in and give in to those sweet tooth cravings. Especially having kids and them waving it in my face. But I stuck to it knowing that it was only 21 day. So I was determined to make it happen.  I am by far no where near perfect and I have times where my fitness and nutrition go right out the window. It happens and I’m human. Luckily have been blessed with the tools and have a great support and accountability group to help me get back on track when I do fall off. We are there for each out through the good and the bad times. 

I will say over the last year a good 10-15 lbs have creeped back on me. Yes I have clothes in my closet that are way to snug or don’t fit right now. And I refuse to go out and buy new clothes when I have a closet full. This past summer I decided to get really back on track and start focusing on getting back to where I was. Don’t get me wrong not complaining about my size because where I was 10yrs ago was not a healthy place. So even with the extra weight I still feel great. Just want to have the clothes I have now to fit even better. So over the summer the program I was doing I was able to drop 10lbs and 12inches. Totally happy with that. Today I can report that from doing this latest round of 21 Day Fix Extreme I am down another 3.5lbs and 2.5in. So not exactly what I was looking for, but happy nonetheless that things are changing and going in a great direction. 

One thing I keep telling myself that this journey is my lifestyle. That life happens and things always don’t go as planned and it’s OK. As long as you get back on the horse and continue to stay the course. Remember you might not always see immediate changes or feel like nothing is happening but it is. Small consistent steps lead to amazing results.

If you would like to join in with me on my next 21 day challenge journey, let me know. Comment below or message me. It’s not too late to get started. Also there is a great special happening til Oct 31st. Let me tell you all about it. So who’s going to join me?      Click here to join me! 

This isn't a quick fix, but a lifestyle change. This program will help give you the tools you need to have a healthy relationship with food, and will improve your physical and mental health! Plus make new friends in a judge free, fun, supportive, accountability and motivation group!!