Thursday, December 10, 2015

Creating Your Own Masterpiece

Do you have some kind of craft or hobby you enjoy doing that you just downright find therapeutic for you? 

For me that is when I get to go get my paint on. I don't usually paint at home. But I do love to however love to head over to my friend Tina's business ArtfullyYours Painting in Mashpee, MA to get my paint on. I met Tina a few years back when she just opened her business and just enjoyed my time at the class. It's a totally relaxed atmosphere in there and it just totally relaxes me. 

I've always enjoyed drawing and being crafty, but don't always get to do it on a regular basis. So for me getting out of the house for a few hours to go paint, have a drink or two, listen to some tunes while creating my own masterpiece is something I look forward to when i do get the chance to do it. Funny thing is when I'm painting I can be very critical of what i am doing but yet I'm still totally chilled and just going with it. A few weeks agao I had seen a picture of one of the upcoming classes and I just loved it. What a super cute holiday picture that would make to add to my collection, I thought to myself. So here is my latest whimsical creation called Frosted Winter Wonderland! 

I find it so cool to watch everyone else paint as we all start off with the same blank canvas and what transpires in just a few short hours.  It's pretty cool. So I just wanted to share with you some of my other creations. I highly recommend if you have one of these paint bars in your area to go try it out. I think you will be amazed at what you can actually do. You would be amazed at the people that said i don't do painting or I could never paint that. Then when they are done they are surprised at how good it actually did  come out.  It's a fun time out meeting new people and just kicking back. 

Here is the very 1st one that I ever painted. It was supposed to have 3 fish in the picture but I decided to only do one. And that's the great thing about this. Do you have to follow it exactly the way the artist has it. Absolutely NOT!! You can make it your own creation. Which goes for the way we live our lives. Be your own person. Be the BEST version of YOU that you can be!!! 

So get out of your comfort zone and try something new that you normally wouldn't do and just do it. So in case I ever get famous when I do my paintings now I always have a heart somewhere in the painting and I use the dots to add to it for a little whimsey. Just something that i like to incorporate and it's fun to think of how I will add them into my painting. 

SO GO GET CREATIVE!! So what hobby do you enjoy doing that relaxes your and just let's you kick back and have fun. Would love to hear about it. 

This one below is one of my favorites. 

Can you find the heart in these paintings I posted???

 So if you are ever in the Cape Cod area be sure to look up Artfully Yours Paint Fun. Great time to have a family day and get everyone involved. And come home with a wonderful masterpiece!!

Life is about getting out of your comfort zone and trying new things. So have fun and live life to the fullest. Enjoy the journey and everything it has to offer.!! 

Create your own Masterpiece that we call life!! 

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