You can make excuses all day long about how you didn't get this or that, why this happened why this didn't happen, but none of it matters til you become accountable to them and take responsibility. We can blame others all we won't be it really won't solve the bigger issue. And it all begins and starts with you. Nothing in life is really easy. You have to work hard to get what you want and when you take action and say to yourself, you know what this is my life and I am the only person that can change it to the way I want it. You have the power as to how you chose to live your life. I personally did this in my coaching business. Made excuses as to why I wasn't where I was. That attitude got me no where. When I made the switch to taking accountability that's when things started changing in my business. I sat back and made a plan of action of what I needed to do. Not what others said I needed to do. Did I listen to the advice and opinions that they had, absolutely. But it all boiled down to what I needed to do for me and me alone. And that was take accountability for my own life. So for me it was time to have a good ole chat with myself. How did that go you ask?
Let's take my faith in God. My faith in God has grown immensely since being accountable. How so, for starters once I got back into my daily regimen with giving praise to my Lord, giving him thanks for everything that has come into my life. I have a stronger connection then ever before. And it's all because I took accountability for my actions. I made the decision that keeping faith in my life daily is a non-negotiable. First thing I do when I wake up in the morning is listen to Charles Stanley via podcasts. It really sets the tone for my day. I have also been listening to other inspirational podcasts before I head off to sleep. It's really made a difference in how I view my days these last few months. I'm so thankful and blessed to have made these decisions in my life to get back into focus with God.
So if you are not where you want to be in your life, step back and take a closer look as to why. I'm also a firm believer that where we are in life is where we are suppose to be. That we have lessons and life experiences that we need to learn before moving to the next phase. With that you also have to take responsibility and work on you while at those crossroads. This is where taking accountability comes into action. If you don't like where you're at then change it. Look deep inside to find out what is stopping you from moving forward when you feel like you keep hitting the same wall. I know for me when I finally did this I opened up a whole new world of wonders for myself. It's taken awhile for all this to happen and I'm still a work in process but I'm heading in a great direction and starting to make things happen because I finally stepped up and took accountability for my life. Best decision I ever made was renewing my faith with God. That's been the key to my success. It has opened doors for me, that I have only dreamed of. If you would like to hear some of the podcasts that have made a shift in my thoughts here is the link. I love listening to Charles Stanley pretty much everyday. He has a way of delivering messages that just hit home for me. So I just wanted to share this with others. If there is someone that needs to see this then I hope it reaches them.
Life is definitely going to be crazy at times. I don't claim to sit here saying it isn't. I have had my own share of craziness and I still do from time to time. But I can say that I get through it by the grace of God now. I now have the tools to be able to not flip out or worry myself so much I make myself sick. I now look at life and any issues that might arise with a clearer more calmer outlook. I'm just trying to live a simple, drama-free, clutter free life, the way God would want me to. So if you are looking to make some changes remember start with you 1st. Work on your own personal development. There is so much information out there in books, on audio and video. Also while your being accountable to yourself, you can also connect up with an accountability partner. Whether it be your spouse or friend. If there is someone you trust and you both have a good connection and relationship then help each other out. I have a few accountability partners. It's great to know we are both on the same wave length and we keep it real with each other. We both know we can share things and neither one of us judges the other. It starts with you. You just have to decide what you want to make as a priority in your life.
I wish everyone a blessed day and wonderful adventures on your life journey!! Take the 1st step!
I love this post Jane! I'm with you on Faith.. When I posture my heart to put God first, everything else falls into place. Very encouraging post :)