Tuesday, October 21, 2014

Objects in mirror are not always what they appear to be......

Been thinking a lot lately about how people put the image they want people to perceive them as out there. We look at someone and think wow what a great life they have. When in actuality we have no idea what is truly going on in someone else's head. People show you what they want you to see. Everything looks great on the outside when deep down that person is struggling day to day. 

Since going through my divorce I have taken a long hard look at my life. I can sit here and say yes I have had been very blessed with my life. But I am also human and struggle with my own inner demons. I'm for the most part a happy go lucky type of person. Always make the best of pretty much most situations. I've always been the go to person when you need a cheering up. I'll be your biggest cheerleader. But most would be surprised to know that it sometimes takes a lot for me to stay in that positive vibrant mindset. That there are days that I look in the mirror and see nothing but ugly.  Where I just want to throw the towel in and throw the blankets over my head and not be bothered with anyone or anything and call it a day. Been times where I would cry on a daily basis.  As far as the crying I have come to realize that when it happens to just let it go and release it. Crying is our bodies way of letting our emotions flow out. It's what we must do from time to time. Doesn't make you weak, it actually makes you more empowering.  You are not alone. So let the process happen. You will be amazed at how you feel after you just let go.

When I separated and went through my divorce it was probably the worst time and I couldn't have felt more alone. Although I do have close friends I still felt alone. As the years went on and I decided to work on my own personal development it has certainly made a huge difference. My faith has grown and I know that everything will be ok. Of course though you still have to stay aware of things and learn what things can come out of no where and trigger you  feel like your locked in a room all by yourself with no way of getting out. I feel what is happening lately with me is being the positive, motivational cheerleader that I am, can sometimes be draining. People gravitate towards you and feed off of your energy. But what those people don't always realize is that some of them just suck the energy right out of you.  That's why it's all about being balanced as best you can. I personally have a hard time receiving. So been working on dealing with that through my personal development. And learning to be more open in the receiving department. Since I have been doing this, this is what I have experienced in my life the last few years. As much as I enjoy giving to others, it would be nice to feel appreciated. A simple asking me how are you really doing today or going out of your way to show me I have been thought about. I'm not talking about material things. I'm talking about feeling cared for. I feel people just automatically assume everything is great when they look at you living your life. And yes for 90% of the time it is truly amazing and like I said have been very blessed. But there's that other 10% where I can feel totally alone. This is where my faith and personal development has totally helped in dealing with this. My point being is that all people struggle whether it looks like it or not. Remember to reach out to those who you care for even if you think they lead this amazing fabulous life. Take the time to just ask them how things are really going. Let them know that they are thought of and appreciated and thankful for being part of their lives. What you see on the outside can very much be the total opposite of what's going on in the inside. I now chose to live as close as possible as I can a life of being centered and balanced. Is it easy...oh hell no. It takes being aware of your emotions and staying grounded on a daily basis. I have learned that I am my own unique person. No one can be me no matter how hard they try. Be true to yourself. Don't try to be someone else. Be the best you that you can be!

Here is a book that I recently read and boy did it open my eyes. It definitely resonated with me. Made me think about how I want to live my life.  If you have read this book, would love to hear your thoughts. Always looking for new books to read. Please share any books or audios that have made a difference in your life journey.  Here is the link for the author of  my last read.  The Gifts of Imperfection  www.brenebrown.com/

Remember to be the BEST you , you can be!!

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