ACCOUNTABILITY??? How key is that in your success? For me it's vital! I know I would have not maintained my weight and fitness without the help of my numerous success buddies throughout the last 5 years. With that i thank you very much buddies for sticking by me and pushing me when I needed the push. In the last 6 months i have struggled with my health and fitness. Dealing with lower back issues has put a damper on my working out and attitude in general. I also just had my Mirena removed and felt that was also part of my weight gain. I've read numerous other reviews about it and others having the same issue. Dr's say that it doesn't happen but I know my body and there was a good 10-15lbs that just doesn't want to budge. I will see how it goes now that it has been removed. Plus the fact that I no longer wanted that foreign object in my body, as I want to go all natural routes as much as possible. But being real and knowing part of it was I just didn't want to workout and my nutrition was not up to par. It was a big fat EXCUSE for me as far as i am concerned. I didn't hit my workouts like I should have been and pretty much told myself every excuse in the book as to why I didn't need to get up and get it done. Well those excuses have finally taken a toll and my clothes are definitely feeling it and screaming at me to get my butt back in gear. Also not making the best of food choices haven't helped with how I feel in general, sluggish and blah! Not how I want to continue to live. I do know we all go through ruts and have our days and for me the longer I stay of the track the harder it is to get back on. So after having a good talking with myself its time to do what i need to do.
Here's my game plan...... Body Beast! Sounds scary and intimidating for some that just might be starting out, but not at all. You go at it one day at a time. June 1st was my start date. So in preparation of starting it I went through the whole program book for it again. Went shopping and got the food that I needed for the week and prepped as much of it as I could on Sunday evening. Here's how my 1st week went.
Week 1 of Body Beast Check In! Had a great week. Stayed on track with nutrition and got all my workouts done! Huge part of my success for the week was meal prep. Firm believer that if you take an hour or two on Sunday to prep your food for the week it's key for your success. Upper body is definitely feeling it. Let's just say blow drying my hair was not the easiest task to do this last week.I had to stop a few times to put my arms down due to my muscles being on fiyaaaa!!! I am also starting off low on my weights and will slowly move up as I go along. Dealing,with some lower back issues so I modify where I need to or do another move that doesn't put strain on my back but yet is just as effective. So all in all I am happy with the 1st week. I've decided to do my measurements weekly so I stay focused and on track. So for week one I am down 5.5lbs and 2.5inches overall. Very happy with this and moving forward onto week 2. Will take my photo's every two weeks also. Will also post some of the yummy recipes that I am making as I go along. I like to keep it as simple as possible and will tend to eat the same thing all week and then change it up the next week. You basically just need to do what you like and enjoy.
I'm looking forward to this beast journey for the next 3 months. Oh and as far as women thinking that they will get all bulked up, it ain't so. I'm doing the lean version of the program and I have seen some amazing results. My goal is to drop some weight( which is something I try not to focus on the number on the scale but more on how my clothes fit and I feel), lean out, tone up and become more defined. plus more more muscle helps burn more calories even after the workout is done!
Do you currently have a program that you are doing or have you been wanting to start something but just don't know where to start? Would love to hear from you. Post below what you are currently doing. Also if you would like to get started, let's chat and find a program that will be right for you.
Have a great week and make it the BEST!!!
I invite you to create the body, mind & spirit you are looking for. No dream is too big. It's all about connecting up with like minded individuals to share, support and motivate each other to help reach their health and wellness dreams together. It's all about creating balance in your life. Is this something that you have always been interested in doing? Or you just don't know where to start? Let's connect up. You're here for a reason. What's your story?